Top 10 Christmas Movies

Anyone that knows me knows that I am a movie buff. I know movies as well as I know music, bonsai, and more. I owe my love for movies to my father. He was a huge fan of movies and would often take me to see movies,  to rent a movie for him, and a movie for me. When I think of my dad, I think of movies and horses. With that said, movies are a part of my life. I'm a bit of an odd movie fan, I have seasonal movies and genres that I watch for every season of the year. When the cold harsh months of NW Ohio hits, I watch movies like “The Revenant '' or “Jeremiah Johnson,” movies about survival. In springtime, I watch the series “X-Files' ' and “Twin Peaks' '. I know they are not movies, but they remind me of the spring time. In the Summer, I watch westerns and war movies. When September 1st hits, I start watching horror movies and series until November 1st. Once November hits, I start watching the Harry Potter series until Christmas. I watch one movie per week. Why? The Harry Potter series embodies Halloween and Christmas, and anything in between. This year (2022) I finished the Potter Series early since the streaming services have been putting out sub par entertainment. Clearly I am a seasonal movie fan, here is a list of my favorite movies to watch in December with a short explanation why. 

10. Christmas Carol (2019) - I saw this as a recommendation on Hulu, but paid it no mind until it was recommended to me. Within one episode, I was hooked. Guy Pearce delivers, I think, the best performance of his career. With a great supporting cast, including Charlotte Riley, Stephen Graham, Andy Serkis and more. This has become one of my favorite Christmas “films.” Aside from the great direction from Nick Murphy, the scores and main theme fit the series and story perfectly. 

9. Christmas With the Kranks (2004) - This was another film I was hesitant to watch when it came out in 2004, however, one day while surfing the tube to find something to watch, I settled on watching this as I played guitar. This is your typical Tim Allen style of comedy, however, he is accompanied by the great and powerful Jamie Lee Curtis. It's a fun, family friendly film that gives you genuine “feels” at the end. Plus it's a film that you can watch when the family or friends are over and if you miss half the film, you won't be lost. 

8. The Christmas Chronicles (2018) - So you mean to tell me that the guy that played Snake Plisken and Jack Burton, or the guy that played Wyatt Earpe and saved the movie “Tombstone” is pretty much the perfect Santa Claus? Yup! I absolutely love this movie and Kurt Russell holds a special place in my heart for so many reasons, this movie/role being one of them. 

7. A Christmas Story (1983) - This is one of those movies that from 8:00 pm on Christmas Eve until 8:00 pm on Christmas day, you can watch. You can walk away while cooking a meal, opening presents, or pass out from too many, uhm, adult beverages and never get lost and always be happy. This movie is perfect in every sense and I will have words with anyone that says otherwise. 

6. Scrooged (1988) - This is one of those films I saw as a kid and didn't understand the brilliance of it until I was older, thanks dad. This is one of my favorite Bill Murray performances. Then there's the amazing supporting cast, David Johansen, Carol Kane, Bobcat Goldthwait, Jamie Farr, and the ever so amazing, Karen Allen. 

5. Lethal Weapon (1987) - Yes…… Lethal Weapon is a Christmas movie. I mean, the movie opens with “Jingle Bell Rock.” From coke deals at Christmas Tree Farms, ransom notes pinned to Christmas Trees to, Ju Jitsu fights in a front yard where the house is decorated with Christmas Lights. This is undeniably a Christmas movie, with a great cast, a great and original Shane Black script and we can't forget the amazing score by Michael Kamen, with the ever so great guitar skills of Eric Clapton.

4. The Santa Clause (1994) - I can't remember if it was my mom or dad that took me to see this in the theaters, but I fell in love immediately. I'm assuming it was my mother since this was an age appropriate film for me. This is one of those films where they paid attention to every detail. Every costume is perfect, every set and scene is filmed perfectly, the sound track is astoundingly perfect, and come on, Tim ‘Friggin’ Allen in the 90s was gold!

3. Back to the Future Trilogy - This is the only film/series in my list that has nothing to do with Christmas. I included this for a very special reason. When I was a kid, I loved the series. As time went on, I forgot about the series, Marty  and Doc Brown. Until one day when I was lucky enough to have 4 consecutive days off of work, which is unheard of, I was usually working 6 days a week. To me, it was like the stars aligned for this experience. Aside from having 4 days off of work, I had bought myself a bottle of Makers Mark 46, That year I was also gifted a bottle of Makers Mark 46. Two bottles of top shelf whiskey! Then, TBS was playing the Back to the Future trilogy for 3 out of the 4 days. With my unprecedented time off I, drank top shelf whiskey, played guitar, ate quality food, and enjoyed the perfection of this trilogy. If you know me, some of my favorite time periods are the American 1950s and the 1880s. This series speaks to me for so many reasons. I will argue with anyone that this is the greatest cinematic series, or trilogy ever. Excluding Jaws. Jaws 3-D is the perfect film…...

2. Home Alone and Home Alone 2 - Admit it, you wanted to be Kevin when you saw this movie too. Jon Hughes, Joe Pescie, Chris Columbus, and a score by John Williams. This is the quintessential Christmas movie for any 80s-90s kid. This movie always blew me away since I initially grew up with Joe Pescie in “Raging Bull” and “Goodfellas” and here Joe was, being a goofy criminal and killing it. I guess he really is a clown, here for our amusement. If you pay the slightest attention, everything in the movie is either Green or Red. It truly sets the tone for the movie, along with John Williams’ score. We can't forget the cameo of the late great John Candy. Whatever you do, don't watch this series, and then watch “The Goodson.” Buzz's girlfriend, woof!

1. Die Hard  (1988) - If you don’t think Die Hard, or Die Hard 2 are Christmas movies, you don't deserve to live on this planet with Bruce Willis. Aside from another amazing score from Michael Kamen, there's the great cast. This film is the cinematic debut of not only Bruce Willis, but also Alan Rickman. There is no doubt this is a Christmas movie. Why? Well, aside from the music, ya know, Christmas music. The movie takes place during a Christmas Party. Oh, and then there's the fact that the director literally stated it is a Christmas movie. There's no need to argue about Die Hard 2 as well. Christmas movie classics!

I have two honorable mentions for Christmas movies. Both movies contain Christmas, but they're not centered around Christmas. The first one is, Coming to America. This is one of the great comedies of the 80s that I find to be a “filler” Christmas movie. Something I will watch in between Christmas and New Years or whenever it appears on one of my streaming services. The other movie is a classic film that I HAVE to watch every year between Christmas and New Years Eve, this one also stars Eddie Murphy, Trading Places. Aside from Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy, this one also includes the great and powerful, Jamie Lee Curtis. This film is also what I like to call a “Double Header” or a “Two for One.” Not only does it celebrate Christmas, it also celebrates New Years Eve. This is one of those films I can watch on Christmas Day, the day after, the day before New Years Eve, or on New Years Day. This film is a must watch, every year.


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